General News of Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Arrested Chinese nationals abused immigration laws - State Attorney

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A senior State Attorney George Sackey has stated that the five Chinese and their Ghanaian counterparts arrested last month for mining illegally on River Ankobra at Dawule in the Western Region abused Ghana’s immigration laws.

The Chinese made false representation contrary to section 23 (1) of the criminal offences Act, 1960, Act 29, and Section 52 of the immigration Act, 2000, Act 573, the State Attorney said.

According to him, the accused “conspired to undertake small scale mining operation without license contrary to section 23 (1) of the criminal offences Act 1960, Act 29”.

Six other offences were brought up against the six suspects and they are: “undertaking small scale mining operation without license contrary to section 99 (2) of the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006, Act 703”,

“engaging in mining activity using methods not known or approved by the Environmental Protection Agency contrary to section 27 (3) of the EPA Act, 1994, Act 490”

“pollution of water contrary to section 24 of the Water Resources Commission Act, 1996, Act 522”, “pollution of water contrary to section 23(1) of the criminal offences Act, 1960, Act 1996, Act 522”

“conspiracy to commit offence to wit, causing intentional and unlawful harm and damage to property in a manner likely to cause danger to life contrary to section 23 (1) and 172 (2) of the criminal offences Act, Act 29, 1960”, and “causing unlawful damage intentionally and unlawfully to property in a manner likely to cause danger to life contrary to section 172 (2) of the criminal offences Act, 1960, Act 522.”

Presiding judge Justice Edward Amoako Asante, on Monday dismissed for the third time, a bail application filed by counsel for the five Chinese nationals and their 5 Ghanaian counterparts.

He ordered for the suspects to be released from police custody into prison custody and to reappear before it May 3, 2017.

The five Chinese facing trial are Dong Cheng, 30, Hung Jian, 51, Ning Guorui, 42, Yin Biquiang, 46 and Li Zilong, 44.

Their Ghanaian counterparts are Eric Owusu, 28, Kwabena Adjei, 50, Nana Adu, 42, Kwesi Owusu, 28 and Kofi Darko, 21.
