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Regional News of Wednesday, 22 January 2003

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Asanteman Council admits two chiefs

The Asanteman Council at its first sitting for the year on Monday, admitted two chiefs, Okogyeasuo Kwaku Gyamprah III, Paramount Chief of the Sefwi-Chirano Traditional Area and Nana Twerefuo Ntim IV, chief of Dikoman in the Afram Plains South into its fold.

The two chiefs will therefore swear the oath of allegiance to the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II at dates to be announced later.

Odeneho Oduro Numapau II, Essumejahene and head of the Aduana clan led Okogyeasuo Gyamprah and his elders to the Manhyia Palace to introduce him to Asantehene and the Asanteman Council.

Mr G.Y. Gyamfi, an elder of the Chirano Aduana Stool, traced their ancestry and said they migrated from Essumeja to Old Wenchi till they finally settled at Chirano their present location.

He said the Chirano stool owed allegiance to no traditional area and that they had been recognised by the National House of Chiefs as a self-governing traditional area.

Mr Gyamfi said having won the recognition of the National House of Chiefs they now felt that it was about time they returned to their roots.

Welcoming the Chirano Aduana stool back into Asanteman, Otumfuo Osei Tutu said their return was the magnetic force of the Golden Stool that was drawing all Asantes in the diaspora back into the mainstream.

Nana Ntim who was led to Manhyia by Barima Adu Gyamfi Poku, Paramount Chief of the Kuntanase Traditional Area, said they migrated from Kuntanase and first settled at Buem and then Krachi in the Volta Region but were resettled at their present location following the construction of the Volta Lake.

He said he did not owe allegiance to any chief and that he and his people had realised that it was about time they returned to their roots.

In supporting his acceptance into the Asanteman Council, Nana Wiafe Akenten III, Offinsohene, said even though it was prudent, care must be taken not to antagonise the Kwahu Omanhene since the people presently lived in Kwahu.

He therefore, suggested that thorough investigations should be conducted to ensure that the people of Dikoman owed allegiance to no chief so as not to mar the cordial relationship between Asante and Kwahu.

Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Mamponghene, though agreed with the Offinsohene, said there was nothing in the constitution barring a chief in a different region owing allegiance to another chief in a different region but gave the assurance that the issue would be thoroughly investigated.