Regional News of Friday, 23 December 2022


Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council holds Town Hall meeting

The meeting was held at the Prempeh Assembly Hall The meeting was held at the Prempeh Assembly Hall

The Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council (ARCC), as part of efforts to ensure accountability and participatory democracy has organized its second extended meeting for the year 2022.

Held at the Prempeh Assembly Hall, on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, the gathering was in fulfillment of Article 255(1) of the Constitution of Ghana which established the RCCs and section 188 of the Local Governance Act, 2016 936 enjoins all RCC’s to meet at least twice every year to take stock of its achievement.

The meeting according to the Ashanti Regional Minister and chairman of the Council, Hon Simon Osei Mensah, was also part of the council's obligation geared towards strengthening a decentralized system of governance, deepening popular participation and harmonizing plans and programmes in order to achieve the overall development of the region.

Hon Simon Osei Mensah during his address gave accounts on major development projects the government has embarked on in all sectors of the economy in the region including health, education, and security among others.

He also touched on the performance of the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies MMDAs particularly in the area of revenue collection.


Hon Simon Osei Mensah expressed concern about how most of the MMDAs in the region failed to live up to expectations in the area of revenue mobilization.

He disclosed that all 43 MMDAs in the region generated a little over GH¢63.4 million out of a budgeted GH¢95.5 million, achieving 67 percent of the targeted amount.

"Analysis of 2022 internally generated revenue as of the end of October indicated that the Assemblies collected an amount of 63,432,820.18 out of a budgeted figure of 94,558,200.85 marking 67%."

"As much as I agree that the global economic hardship has had its toll on us as a nation, I will urge all MMDAs to strive to maximize internally generated funds to improve the development of the areas under their jurisdiction", he said.

Financial Reports

Hon Simon Osei Mensah again revealed that some of the MMDAs failed to submit their monthly financial statements to the Regional Coordinating Council as required by law, adding that, he will not hesitate to sanction the various chief executives in these defaulting MMDAs.

"To date, eleven (11) Assemblies have not submitted their financial statements for September; they are Ejura Sekyedumase, Amansie Central, Ahafo Ano South East, Atwima Kwanwoma, Atwima Mponua, Offinso North, Sekyere East, Sekyere Central, Suame, Amansie South and Atwima Nwanbiagya North".

"MMDCEs are hereby urged to take interest in the submission of the financial statements latest by the 15th day of the ensuing month to avoid sanctions".

You must be clearly guided by the PFM Act 2016 (Act 921) which spells out your roles as Principal Account holders and the MMDCDs as the Principal Spending officers. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, per a letter issued on 24th November 2022, has indicated that they will not hesitate to make recommendations for the application of appropriate sanctions against Chief Executives who do not take interest in the financial performance and compliance of their Assemblies," he cautioned.