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General News of Sunday, 30 October 2022


Asiedu Nketiah will lose NDC chairmanship race to Ofosu-Ampofo – Koku Anyidoho

Asiedu Nketiah (left) and Samuel Ofosu Ampofo (right) Asiedu Nketiah (left) and Samuel Ofosu Ampofo (right)

Former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho, has predicted a loss for the Asiedu Nketiah who is contesting the national chairman position of the party. According to him, the current General Secretary, Asiedu Nketiah, stands no chance against the incumbent Chairman Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo who is seeking to retain his post. His comments come days after General Secretary of the opposition party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah announced his bid to contest for the ‘envious’ position. Declaring his intention to contest the position, Asiedu Nketiah disclosed that he has held various positions in his life, the party and the country, all of which have prepared him well to lead the NDC as chairman into victory come 2024. But the CEO of Atta Mills Institute in an interview on Angel FM’s Anopa Bofo Show declared that his former boss would lose in the end. “He won’t win, he is just wasting his time…”, he insisted. Though he did not give reasons for his prediction, he alleged that ‘power-drunk’ Asiedu Nketiah is using the chairmanship position as a camouflage for greater power – to be leader of the NDC. “Do you know what he is actually looking for? it is not the chairmanship he wants …Article 25 of the [NDC] constitution says in opposition, the national chairman is also the leader of the party…until a substantive leader is elected …it is the leadership [role] that Asiedu Nketiah is coveting. He wants to become leader of the NDC…” Koku Anyidoho is not alone in this assertion as a communication team member of the NDC, Chris Dugan, has also thrown his weight behind the candidature of Ofosu-Ampofo. “Chairman [Ofosu-Ampofo] is maintaining his position as chairman…I am for Ofosu Ampofo…I am not neutral”, he said in a separate interview with Angel FM.