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Regional News of Friday, 24 June 2011

Source: GNA

Asiwahene appeals to government to build new education directorate

Accra, June 24, GNA - The Asiwahene, Nana Agyei Brempong II, has appealed to the government to construct a new building at Asiwa in the Ashanti Region for the Bosome Freho District Education Directorate instead of purchasing a house that cannot accommodate staff. In a petition to the government, a copy of which has been obtained by the GNA, the chief said following President John Evans Atta Mills' official visit to Asiwa on April 13, a promise was made to procure a building to house the Education Directorate. Nana Brempong said the Directorate at the moment had a staff strength of 31 in a six-room building, although the number of workers should ideally be 50.

The Asiwahene said the building that had been earmarked to be purchased for the District Education Directorate was, however, a five-room residential building, which was not big enough to accommodate the workers.

He said the community had allocated a vast land to the education directorate on which offices and bungalows could be built. The Asiwahene therefore appealed to the government to use the money earmarked for the purchase of the house to construct a new structure for the District Education Directorate.