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Regional News of Wednesday, 17 December 2003

Source: GNA

Assembly constructing block for Buruli Ulcer

Agroyesum (Ash), Dec 17, GNA - The Amansie West District Assembly is constructing a Buruli Ulcer block for the Saint Martin's Catholic Hospital at Agroyesum.

Dr Samuel Nyarko Etuaful, Medical Superintendent in-charge of the hospital, said the block would have the capacity for 30 beds, nurse's station, a store, an office and toilet.

He told the GNA that the assembly had voted an initial 40 million cedis for the construction of the block and has reached roofing level. Dr Etuaful appealed to the Ministry of Health to refund to the hospital the 60 million cedis used in the treatment of buruli ulcer patients.

Dr Etuaful said about 80 percent of buruli ulcer cases at the hospital bills were from outside the district and that patients come from the Brong-Ahafo, Eastern and Western regions to the hospital. He said cases from the district had reduced considerably following the outreach education programme undertaken by the District Health management Team (DHMT) which now prompts people with boils to report early to hospital or clinics for early treatment.