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Regional News of Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Source: GNA

Assembly urged to reshape Menang-New Edubiase feeder road

Menang (Ash), Jan 22, GNA - Mr Kwadwo Owusu-Ansah, an opinion leader, has appealed to the Adansi South District Assembly to rehabilitate the 7.5-kilometre Menang-New Edubiase feeder road that is fast deteriorating.

He said the condition of the road had made transportation of goods and services difficult especially during rainy seasons. Mr Owusu-Ansah, a former assembly member, told the GNA in an interview that since the road was rehabilitated years ago, no maintenance work had been done.

Mr Owusu-Ansah commended the government and the assembly for constructing a new six-unit classroom block and a library. The block was destroyed during a rainstorm He appealed to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to provide meters to the residents who had wired their houses to enable them connect power to their homes.