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Politics of Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Source: GNA

Assemblyman canvases votes to complete projects

Mr Samuel Aboagye-Frempong, incumbent Assembly Member for Akyem Awisa Electoral Area in the Birim South District, has appealed to the electorate to vote for him to complete the projects initiated during his first term.

He said through his initiative, the community would be benefiting from a 26-seater place of convenience when completed.

Mr Aboagye-Frempong told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on Monday that during his first term of office, he donated 20 waste bins to schools, churches and the community hospital to ensure cleanliness.

The incumbent, who is an Accountant, said he had donated a computer with its accessories to the community hospital.

He said one of his focuses was to organise members of the community through communal labour to clean the area and initiate projects for national development.

“I also did a lot for the community in terms of providing electric bulbs for the street lights in the community,” he said.

On education, the incumbent assemblyman said the standard in the area was low, making him to initiate an inter-schools quiz and extra classes, especially for third year students in the junior high schools.

Mr Aboagye-Frempong, who is contesting with two other persons, has appealed to the Government to support assemblymen with funds to facilitate their work.

He also appealed to members of the community to help develop the area, since government alone could not perform that function.

He commended Professor Kwebena Antwi Danso, a lecturer, for his support in constructing a bore-hole for the area.