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Crime & Punishment of Sunday, 1 March 2020


Assemblyman in Sogakope murdered

Marcus Mawutor Adzahli Marcus Mawutor Adzahli

The Assembly Member for Sogakope South electoral area in the Volta Region, Marcus Mawutor Adzahli, was shot dead Sunday dawn by armed men in his house.

The wife was also brutalized and was rushed to hospital by residents later in the morning for treatment.

Snippets of information gathered by point to contract killing. A resident said the wife, after gaining consciousness, told them the assailants were offered all the money they had on them but they didn’t appear interested in the money and therefore rejected it.

The deceased who was the CEO of Mcgreenline was said to have employed a number of youth in the area who are currently agitating as they threatened the police for not responding on time to save Marcus.

More to follow