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Regional News of Sunday, 8 August 2004

Source: GNA

Association provides seedlings to enhance environmental protection

Dominase (C/R), Aug. 8, GNA - The Environmentally Concerned Citizens Association of Ghana has in collaboration with the Forestry Services Division, the Ghana Education Service (GES) and the National Commission on Civil Education supplied more than 5,000 tree seedlings to some basic schools in six districts of the Central Region as part of its drive to protect the environment.

They are the Cape Coast, Komenda- Edina-Eguafo-Abrem, Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese, Upper Denkyira, Twifo-Hemang-Lower Denkyira and Assin districts.

At the presentation of 500 of the seedlings to the Assin Dominase D.A. Primary School on Friday, Mr Joseph Aidoo, National President of the Association explained the importance of trees to the pupils and said trees are ecologically important, because they not only protect buildings and check erosion, but are also the source of livelihood.

He in this regard, he taught them how to ensure the proper planting and nurturing of trees, and also supervised them in planting the seedlings at vantage points on the school's compound.

Mr Aidoo expressed concern that, because of the massive destruction of the forest, without corresponding replanting, the country had lost much of her forest and that, if no trees were planted in replacement, "the country was bound to ruin in future".

He also urged them to help improve sanitation by keeping their surroundings clean to prevent the outbreak of diseases.

One of the teachers, Mr Freeman Adeti appealed for more seedlings to plant within the community, to enable the trees serve as windbreakers, when matured.

Earlier, the Association and the local members of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) and some traders had undertaken a two-hour clean-up exercise at the Foso Central Lorry Park, during which the traders were urged to provide more refuse containers to keep the park tidy.

Mr Kwame Tetteh, district chairman of the GPRTU, commended the Association for its initiative and gave the assurance that the union, will ensure that, the clean -up exercise was carried out monthly.