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Politics of Wednesday, 6 July 2005

Source: GNA

Atiwa and New Juaben Assemblies confirm Presidential nominees

Kwabeng (E/R), July 06, GNA - The people of Atiwa District started celebration long before all the 36 members of the new district assembly voted to approve the President's nominee for the District Chief Executive, Mr Kwasi Osei Agyepong, on Tuesday at Kwabeng. Almost all the traditional authorities in the Atiwa area witnessed the election.

Mr Agyepong is the Deputy Registrar of the West Africa Examination Council and the Atiwa Constituency Chairman of the New Patriotic Party. Mr Yaw Barimah, the Eastern Regional Minister, said if the development of the country would reflect the desire of majority of the people of the country, there was the need for co-operation between politicians, public servants and traditional authorities.

He expressed the hope that the presence of traditional rulers at the assembly meeting was an expression of the support that the assembly would receive from chiefs in the district.

Mr Agyepong called for co-operation among the traditional authorities in the area, opinion leaders and members of the assembly to help transform the district from a rural economy into a modern district.