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General News of Monday, 11 April 2005

Source: Accra Mail

Attempts to Unseat the NPP Government

"Operation PhB" exposed!

Although the Wahala march embarked upon by the NDC and its CJA associates ostensibly against the recent hike in the prices of petroleum products has been identified as a ploy to unseat the government, new developments have proved it as not being a concrete means but rather being among other minor strategies under one umbrella known as "Operation PhB".

"Operation PhB" (PhB meaning Paint him/her Black), the ADM learnt, is a system orchestrated by Mr Rawlings, just like any coup maker, to defame and make unpopular the present government. This system, the ADM learnt, has worked well in many instances.

So far, the avowed enemies of peace have embarked upon their mission of completely eroding the masses' confidence in the Kufuor Administration.

These elements, including the CJA, the ADM learnt, have been designated to strategic locations including homes, educational institutions, the mass media and even in trotros among others to "paint the Kufuor government black" to the people.

It is therefore of no surprise to see the CJA, after failing to carry the petroleum price hikes strategy, widen the scope of their Wahala marches to include an alleged "abuse of citizens' economic, social, cultural and political rights by the powerful and the greedy".

Rawlings' principal strategy to unseat the government of the day poison the minds of the uninformed masses and make them believe that the incumbent government does not have solutions to their socio-economic woes, and that it is only he who truly represents their cause.

Remember how he managed to win the support of the masses to stage his first and second coups?

On 4 June 1979, Jerry Rawlings, then a 32-year-old air force officer, shot his way to power with a band of young soldiers furious over "the corruption and economic deprivations of the time".

Eight generals, including three former military heads of state, were executed in public. Scores of senior officers were sentenced to decade-long prison terms while soldiers stripped elderly market vendors naked and whipped them.

The masses whose minds he unfortunately and cunningly enslaved cheered him up!

Rawlings oversaw a chaotic three-month rule before handing over to President Limann who won the hastily-arranged general elections in June, but exactly two-and-a-half years later the impatient Rawlings rode in on the back of his earlier appeal of "corruption and inability to provide a quick fix for the peoples' economic and social woes" against the Limann Administration.

Ex Flt Lt Rawlings uses emotional reasoning to stir up the fears of the uninformed society, and makes them to believe he is virtuous and a saviour.

He arrogated to himself the position of a messiah who truly represents the cause of the people, thus called his overthrow of the Limann Administration a "people's revolution".

It is not surprising that Rawlings is now using alleged misrule "corruption and insensitivity" of Kufuor's Administration as a passport to undermine the dignity of the presidency, make it unpopular and then topple it finally.

Would someone stop him before it becomes too late?