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Regional News of Saturday, 20 June 2009

Source: GNA

Authorities call for more attention to child-related issues

Wli-Afegame (V/R), June 20, GNA - The Hohoe Municipality on Friday held a durbar to mark World Day Against Child Labour with a call on the media and law enforcement agencies to give priority and prominence to child-related issues. Mr Victor-Hermann Condobrey, Hohoe Municipal Chief Executive, said sustained mass communication of findings based on intelligence and investigative works was enough to reduce incidences of child labour. He noted that the crusade against child labour was saddled with difficulties due to some cultural practices embedded in communal lifestyles.

Mr Condobrey said child labour and exploitation, especially involving girls, were found in slavery, trafficking, bonded labour, prostitution, pornography and other activities hazardous to their health. He said the provision of quality education to children, particularly girls, was the most effective ways of tackling poverty in the communities and reducing the prevalence of child labour.

Mr Herald Ntow, Hohoe Municipal Labour Officer, said child labour or work was still being regarded as key element in the maturation and security during the transition from childhood to adulthood, which was again seen as essential for family survival. He said child labour entailed negative tendencies beyond their capacity physically, psychologically, emotionally and morally and that the phenomenon deprived children of education. Mr Henry Anyomi, Assemblyman for Wli-Afegame, called for modification of cultural practices that infringe on the total development of children.