General News of Monday, 23 June 2008

Source: GNA

Avoid ethnic clashes-Fobih

Accra, June 23, GNA - Professor Domonoc Fobih, Minister of Education, Science and Sports on Monday said nations must continue to create the necessary conditions for intercultural and interfaith dialogue that eliminated ethnic and interfaith prejudices and conflicts. He said, "We need to redouble our effects so as to meet the 2015 deadlines for Education for All and the Millennium Development Goals. "The issues of climate change and adaptation of strategies that are of utmost importance to everyone, likewise emerging ethical issues in science and technology."

Opening a photo exhibition of 50 years of UNESCO'S of existence, Prof. Fobih said, "the organisation's mission is one for all humankind and for that matter, it is necessary that we endeavour to revive the power of inspiration that guided the Organization's founding fathers by rekindling their sense of hope and vision in our quest for global peace and security in continuing the work they started in earnest". The Commission's 50 years of existence has indeed witnessed significant achievements and fruitful partnership between UNESCO and Ghana.

He said; "It therefore comes as no surprise that the theme for the fiftieth anniversary celebrations was chosen as; "UNESCO and Ghana: 50 years of partnership and development".

Prof. Fobih said the exhibition was an attempt of bringing to the fore some of those significant achievements as well as the benefits Ghana had derived from UNESCO over the years. The exhibition therefore highlights Ghana's presence at UNESCO General Conferences and Executive Board Meetings as well as visits of past Directors - General of Unesco to Ghana, dating from as back as 1959.

"It also recasts some major interventions UNESCO has made to Ghana's developmental processes and the activities of the Associated Schools Project Network and the UNESCO Clubs Movement as well as some Awards we have received.

"The latest being the UNESCO - UNEVOC TVET Award won by the Accra Technical Training Institute in November 2007." Prof Fobih said; "In commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO, we must congratulate ourselves for all the accomplishments over the past fifty years and that it ought to acknowledge the challenges ahead in sustaining the ideals and tenets of UNESCO in Ghana, we shall continue to contribute to capacity-building in the various governmental and non governmental institutions of the country, towards nation-building.

Ms. Charity Amamoo, Secretary General of the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO said the theme adopted for the exhibition is: UNESCO and Ghana, 50 years of Partnership and Development. She said, "Through this photo exhibition, we seek to appreciate the past, whilst we acknowledge the present and build towards the future." It is a week-long series of lectures on such topical and global issues as climate-change and water scarcity. 23 June 08