General News of Wednesday, 23 October 2019


‘Avoid unimportant debate on tithing’- Rev Asante Sarpong

Tithing is a payment to the church of one-tenth of one's monthly income Tithing is a payment to the church of one-tenth of one's monthly income

Rev Kennedy Kofi Asante Sarpong has called on Christians to desist from engaging in what he terms as ‘less important debate’ like the need to pay tithe.

This follows a statement made by Sam Adeyemi, Senior pastor of Day Star Christian Centre that, ‘no Christian should ever pay tithe’.

Speaking to Ghanaweb, the Director of Church Life and Nurture for the Presbyterian Church of Ghana- Ga West Presbytery noted that the world is perishing and there is a need to preach about salvation. He cautioned believers to abstain from unhealthy debates.

“I don’t see why he chooses and speaks on something concerning money and tries to test God on this. These are not important things; the most important thing now is the saving of the souls…. He should have come out to say; I want to now why people are not being saved now” Rev Sarpong explained.

He emphasized that paying of tithe is scripted in the Bible stressing that, every Christian believes in both Old and New Testaments and for that matter, Pastor Sam Adeyemi’s arguments which are based on the New Testaments doesn’t hold water.

“People are more concerned about money… Jesus Christ came to die for souls that needs to be save. We should concentrate on that, the rest about money and prosperity are not important to God right now …the world is perishing and we need to talk about how to save this world,” he added.

According to Pastor Sam Adeyemi, he has conducted comprehensive and unbiased research into this controversial topic and has never come across anything that suggests that God would be angry with people who fail to pay tithe and curse them.

“The law of the spirit of life in Christ has made us free. Romans 8 clearly tells us that we are free. No Christian should feel guilty for not paying tithe. There is nothing you can add to what Jesus did to be qualified before God. When Jesus said it is finished it was finished. Galatians 3 verses 13 says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.”