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Politics of Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Awuah-Darko, Alex Mould adopt constituencies for NDC

Awuah-Darko, Alex Mould adopt constituencies for NDC Awuah-Darko, Alex Mould adopt constituencies for NDC

Former bosses of the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) and also the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) who were among those considered a possible running mate for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), have brushed aside their disappointments and hit the ground running.

The two have separately adopted a number of constituencies in the country to boost the NDC's chances at the December elections.

The Herald gathered that the two, Kingsley Kwame Awuah-Darko and Alex Mould, have been on the beat, galvanizing the base of their party by visiting the constituencies and engaging the executives in both Ashanti and Eastern Regions.

They have been encouraging people to register in their number and vote massively in December to replace the Akufo-Addo government.

The move forms part of the NDC's "adopt a branch or Constituency" measure aimed at rallying support for the party.

Some of the constituencies visited separately by the two Mahama appointees are Juaben, AkimTafo,Heman New Edubiase, Akrofom, Obuasi West and Obuasi East.

Mr Awuah-Darko, who while serving as boss of TOR,simultaneously headed the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) under the erstwhile Mahama government, has been touring both Ashanti and Eastern Regions ostensibly,to monitor the on-going Electoral Commission (EC) voter registration exercise.

The former NDC parliamentary candidate for the Ayawaso West-Wuogon Constituency in the Greater Accra Region, who hails from Juaben, Ashanti and Akim Tafo in the Abuakwa South Constituency, has adopted 20 constituencies in the Ashanti region, as well as 11 in the Eastern region, totaling 31.

Speaking to Accra-based Power FM's Mugabe Mase on Monday, Mr Awuah-Darko, said it is the responsibility of every member of the party, to give such support, especially at this crucial time.

He said the battle to wrestle power from an incumbent was a daunting one, he therefore urged all party members and supporters, to join at the various levels, to help bring the NDC back to power.

"What I will say to the people in the Ashanti region who love the NDC is to work together, so that it will be beautiful when the victory comes. It is not a job for one person. If I don't do it, who will do it? Let's all do it together", he emphasized.

Mr Awuah disclosed that "..a part of me is from Akyem Tafo in Abuakwa North and Ashanti, but the party work is for every member, so it is not just that I have adopted the constituencies but it is the work that we are doing", adding "You know I have been a parliamentary candidate before so I know how it is. And also now, you know we are in opposition so the work is more challenging".

Mr Awuah-Darko, visited the Asanti Akim, Ejura, Mampong, New Edubiase, and Juaben, where he registered as a voter on July 26, 2020.

In a Facebook post sighted by The Herald, the former appointee after registering posted "Early this morning, I registered to vote in my hometown, Juaben Ashanti.

I also toured a number of polling stations in the constituency and witnessed the calm and orderly registration throughout, with the exception of an altercation at the New Bnofa Polling Station which almost degenerated into chaos, but for the swift and timely intervention of the EC's Registration Officer, who handled the situation with a matured, but firm approach".

He encouraged all to endeavor to register and vote for the NDC's John Mahama on December 7.

Mr. Alex Mould on the other hand also on July 24, 2020 visited some 11 registration centres in New Edubiase, Akrofom, Obuasi West and Obuasi East constituencies, all in the Ashanti Region.

The former GNPC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a Facebook post, said he witnessed a training session for party executives and agents in Obuasi East, and thanked them for their commitment and sacrifice.

"On Day 2 of my monitoring of EC registration exercise and engagement with constituency executives, I was privileged to visit the Offinso North, South and Afigya Kwabre North constituencies. Very fruitful deliberations with promising futures for the NDC and Ghana. Kudos to our party executives and agents at the registration centres. #John&Jane202 #Rescuemission", he posted for his second day monitoring".

On July 26, Mr Mould, visited Nana Wiafe Ababio Apau, Chief of Heman in the Afigya Kwabre South Constituency on the occasion of Akwasidae.

The chief complained about the snail pace of development in the area and decried how successive governments have abandoned an ICT project.

Nana Wiafe Ababio Apau, told Mr Mould how he has tried in vain to get the current government to afford him the opportunity to convert the abandoned ICT centre into a community clinic for the provision of healthcare to his people at his cost.

The chief appealed to the flagbearer of the NDC through Mr Mould, to give the facility serious attention when he wins.