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Regional News of Wednesday, 18 August 2004

Source: GNA

Awutu-Efutu District gets serious with campaign against HIV/AIDS

Winneba (C/R), Aug.18, GNA - Ten Community Base Organisations (CBO'S) have been formed in the Awutu- Effutu District of the Central Region, to undertake grassroots programmes to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Mr Charles Ashalley Djan, District Focal Person for HIV/AIDS, announced this on Tuesday at Winneba during a day's sensitisation programme on the pandemic.

He said available records from the Ghana Health Service, indicated that the Region rank second, after Eastern Region on the HIV/AIDS table.

Mr Djan, who is also the acting District Coordinating Director, said the District was the third with high prevalent rate of HIV/AIDS, after Cape Coast and Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Districts.

The Chairman of the CBO, Alhaji Mohammed Abdulai urged the youth to view the pandemic as a threat to their future growth and endeavour to lead moral lifestyles to avoid infection.

Mrs Roberta Kumasa, a Senior Nursing Officer in charge of the Reproductive and Child Care Centre at Winneba, said the District recorded 66 HIV/AIDS cases in 2002 and 93 in 2003. 18 Aug. 04