Regional News of Monday, 11 July 2011

Source: Space FM

BA regional minister earns commendations for smooth congress

The Brong-Ahafo regional minister, Hon. Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo, has earned high commendations for the smooth organization of the historic NDC delegates congress at the Sunyani coronation park.

The congress, which was anticipated to be violent by some socio-political commentators, rather passed as one of the most well organized congresses by the NDC. On the eve of the congress, Hon. Nyamekye Marfo had prayed against rainfall which naturalists saw as a potential threat to the congress.It came to pass that the rains never came down though there signs it would rain.

And the man whose coordination,prayer, management and direction further enhanced the image of the region as the most peaceful and decent cities in Ghana, was the Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo.

Apart from the ugly noises the security created with the indiscriminate tooting of horns and sirens from their vehicles, and the initial frustration some journalists went through before being accredited, every visitor to Sunyani- the hunters town, had a great, refreshing experience to share with his or her family back home.

From the lightening system, sanitation, through provision of parking spaces, hotel accommodation to the preparation of the congress grounds and provision of security for observers as well as delegates, there entire congress was rightly tagged the most peaceful by the NDC since 1992.

The delegates from the Volta, Upper East, Upper West, Northern and Ashanti regions who spoke to Space FM’s Francis Owusu-Absah, expressed satisfaction with the efforts the regional minister put into ensuring the success of the congress.

When those delegates were reminded that the regional minister could not have done all the preparation alone, they insisted that as the man in charge of the region, he was responsible for everything that happened and more so he provided all the “spots to click to provide the needed results”.

A Northern regional delegate who asked me to call him Adams, said he was a bit frightened because they heard rumours former president Rawlings was not going to accept any result which went against his wife, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, but on their arrival in Sunyani, information reached them that the regional minister and his team had every measure in place to forestall any eventualities.

Adams added that at a point in time, somebody reminded him that the regional minister had been a key ally of Rawlings and knew every single movement of the flight lieutenant and that there was no reason for anybody to panic.

Three female observers from Takoradi, Tarkwa and Obuasi, Marian, Barbara Andoh and Justina Offei, were all more than satisfied with what they saw when they got to Sunyani. They were of the view that public officials should always ensure that monies given them from the public purse are put to good use.

Barbara Ando pointed out that the congress was the best she had ever attended, though the security presence appeared a bit intimidating to them.

Food vendors and other service providers who came in to make some money, all had good impression about the congress. They noted that arrangement for them with regards to places to offer their services were well arranged.

The diplomatic corps also had a wonderful experience in Sunyani as their entry into Sunyani, hotels and ushering to the congress grounds were without blemish.

Later when Space FM got in touch with Hon. Nyamekye Marfo, he gave thanks to God, his DCEs and the planning committee for a job well executed.

He noted that the problem some journalists went through for accreditation was unfortunate but he had to put pressure on the accreditation team to ensure the media from the region were adequately accredited.

The minister commended the media for the coverage given the event.For now, the NDC delegates congress in Sunyani is history, president Mills should be relishing his victory, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings must be healing her wounds and restrategising, but one man whose efforts towards the success of the congress would for a long time remain in the hearts and minds of observers and the delegates would certainly be Hon. Kwadwo Nyamekye Marfo.

Source: Francis Owusu-Ansah, Space FM, Sunyani