General News of Tuesday, 31 December 2019


BCI screens hundreds of ‘Kayayes’ in Kumasi

Breast Care International (BCI), a breast cancer advocate non-governmental organization, rounded up their 2019 campaign with the screening of head porters, known as ‘Kayayes’ in and around Adum and Kejetia in the Kumasi metropolis.

The head porters and Muslim women in the communities were educated on the causes, prevention and control of breast cancer by the BCI Team, led by its President, Dr. Mrs. Beatrice Wiafe Addai, on Sunday, December 29, 2019.

The programme was part of Delta Airlines’ ‘Kick Cancer Out’ project and Pamela Bridgewater Foundation, a non-governmental organization.

Dr. Mrs. Wiafe Addai, who is also the CEO of Peace and Love Hospitals in Kumasi and Accra, educated them on the threats of breast cancer and also introduce them to the available treatment therapies.

She noted the breast cancer disease has no specific cause but said risk factors such as family history of the disease is suspected to be one cause, and quick to add that “early detection and promptly reporting of any unusual thing in the breasts to the hospital is the sure way of preventing the disease”.

“The disease at the early stage is not painful and the only way to detect it is through regular breast breasts screening by a qualified medical practitioner and detected early, it can be treated and cured,” she assured.

The medical team clinically screened all the women for breast cancer and some suspected cases were referred for further investigations and management.

Breast cancer survivors among the BCI Team shared their personal experiences with the participants and encouraged them to freely “present their breasts” for screening to prevent possible breasts cancer.