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Regional News of Friday, 21 July 2006

Source: GNA

BGL partners Himan JSS to plant trees

Himan (W/R), July 21, GNA - The Bogoso Gold Limited (BGL) is sponsoring a tree planting exercise by the Himan Junior Secondary School near Prestea in the town.

Mr Magnus Adja Kodzo, Public Relations Officer of BGL, said the company would provide inputs like seedlings, hoes, cutlasses, wheel-barrows, black soil and rakes for the exercise especially around the town's Community Centre this when he took newsmen round the project. He said the exercise involving the children was to whip up interest in environmental issues and protection among them. Mr John Bismark Ocloo, Headmaster, said the children had started preparing the ground around the Centre for planting immediately the inputs were provided.

He said apart from the seedlings, grass and flowers would be planted, adding that, the effort to beautify the area would not be a nine-day wonder and commended BGL for the partnership. Mr Ocloo expressed the hope that the exercise would strengthen the relationship between the school and the Mines.