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Regional News of Monday, 24 April 2006

Source: GNA

Baiden-Amissah visits BECE examination centres

Sekondi, April 24, GNA - Mrs Angelina Baiden-Amissah, Deputy Minister of Education and Sports, on Monday visited some examination centres for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) within the Shama-Ahanta East Metropolis.

The centres included Ghana Secondary Technical School (GSTS), Saint John's Secondary School, Shama Secondary School, Sekondi Secondary School, Takoradi Secondary School and Brimpong Yaw Junior Secondary School.

Mrs Aku Fiakpornu, Western Regional Director of Education and Mr Ayyub Morgan, Shama-Ahanta East Metropolitan Director of Education, accompanied her.

At GSTS, the examination supervisors complained about late arrival of examination materials while some of the candidates in most of the centres failed to write the examination.

Speaking to the press, Mrs Baiden-Amissah expressed satisfaction at the conduct of the examination at the centres without any examination leakage or malpractices.

In another development, Mr Michael Adjei, Western Regional Controller of the Western African Examination Council (WAEC) told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the 2006 BECE took off with a paper in English Language at all the 107 centres in the region at 9.30 a.m. He said 31,186 candidates were taking the examination in the region and all the centres had received their examination materials. Mr Adjei said an awards committee of WAEC would investigate cases of examination malpractices and take a decision on the offenders. He said candidates who did not turn up at the examination centres would be recorded, as absentees while those who report at the centres but failed to write the examination would be graded. 24 April 06