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Regional News of Monday, 22 October 2018

Source: Kaleawo FM

Bami royals of Avenor challenge the legitimacy of Dorglo Anuma VI

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The Bami Royal clan of Avenor in the Anlo traditional area has disputed the legitimacy of Dorglo Anuma VI as the paramount chief, claiming he is a usurper of the Avenor throne.

In a press statement released in the name of Ablorde Kohui Zavordiku VIII, Dorglo Anuma VI "traces his lineage to the fugitive Kwao Blihia and the illegitimate Dorglo Anuma II hail from Alakple in Anlo. They are not indigenes of Avenor and cannot be royals of Avenor."

Ablorde Kohui Zavordiku VIII in the press release penned a brief history behind the long-standing dispute which explains how and why the dispute was ignited and who the rightful heir to the Avenor throne is.

The release, therefore, charged all people who support "Dorglo Anuma VI as the paramount chief of Avenor and want to celebrate Avenor Dukor Tutudo Za with him in November 2018, to go to their ancestral home at Alakple in Anlo state to celebrate their Dukor Tutudo Za."

Full statement below: