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General News of Sunday, 31 May 2020


Ban on social gathering: How churches are preparing for possible ease on restrictions

The Adoration Chapel of the Christ the King Church play videoThe Adoration Chapel of the Christ the King Church

It has been a little over two months since President Nana Akufo-Addo imposed restrictions on social gatherings and ordered the closure of all schools and churches and mosques.

These restrictions were among the President's first steps to hold the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Ghana.

This evening, the President will deliver his 10th address to the nation on the way forward to stop the spread of the virus in the country.

There are speculations that the president may announce a lifting of the ban on social gathering and church activities.

But ahead of the President’s address today, reactions are varied.

Rev. Father Andrew Campbell, Parish Priest of the Christ the King Church, said although the Catholic church has instituted measures that will enable social distancing and other safety protocol, the church remains committed to supporting the President in whatever decision he announces today.

Pastor Samuel Oppong Quinine of the Jubilee Temple of the International Central Gospel Church at Palas Town in Awoshie backs calls for churches to resume.

He also outlines measures instituted by the church, including the setting up of handwashing and sanitising bay, reducing the number of people in a pew, among others, should his church get the greenlight to resume.

However, a Catholic family of three that had come to the Christ the King church for prayers, told the GhanaWeb team they’d prefer the restrictions to remain in place.

Mrs Doris Eshun and her two children believe although the number of people who have died from the virus is low compared to other countries’, the number of active cases keep rising.

They want the government to tread cautiously.

As the President readies to deliver his much-anticipated address, we can only keep our fingers crossed to hear what he has to say.

Watch the video below.