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Politics of Monday, 15 February 2010

Source: GNA

Be bold and truthful-Ashanti NPP Chairman tell leaders

Kodie, (Ash), Feb. 15, GNA - Mr Fredrick Fredua Anto, Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has urged the party's leadership to have the courage to tell the truth to enable peace to prevail. He said the party now needs leaders who would not yield to pressure to bend the rules and divide its rank and file.

They should accept to go strictly by the NPP constitution and work to bring all members on board in the struggle to win back power in the 2012 elections.

Mr Anto made the call at a thanksgiving service organised by the Kwabre West Constituency of the party at Kodie. He asked members to do away with bickering and factionalism adding that, the party required a strong bond of unity now than ever. Mr Anto said the campaign for the 2012 general election had already begun and asked constituency and ward executives as well as co-ordinators as to intensify their activities to broaden the party's support base. He advised the leaders to always pray to God for guidance and give thanks to Him for his blessings.

Evangelist Eric Berko of the Suame Circuit of the Methodist church, in a sermon asked members of the party to look at the character and personality of people they elect as leaders.

They should look for people who have good morals to lead them to victory. Odeneho Kwaku Appiah, Constituency Chairman, said the bitterness that characterised the election of the constituency officers had now been consigned to history.

He said the party was at the cross roads and asked party activists to forgive and forget the past and come together in unity to increase NPP votes in 2012.