Regional News of Thursday, 24 September 2020

Source: GNA

Be responsible for the development of your communities - NCCE tells Ghanaians

File photo: The NCCE has asked citizens to participate in projects and decision-making process File photo: The NCCE has asked citizens to participate in projects and decision-making process

Godwin Agbenyo, the Anloga District Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has called on citizens to work for the development of their communities.

He said it was important for people to understand that they could develop their communities if they would participate in projects, policy initiation, and decision-making processes.

Mr Agbenyo made the call while addressing a social auditing programme organised at Genui in the Anloga District as part of the Commission’s efforts to engage the citizenry on the need to initiate, nurture, participate, own and take good care of the community and state-owned properties.

“One thing this social auditing seeks to do is to eliminate a lot of rumour-mongering and make us assume some kind of ownership of the project(s) in our community. We must be encouraged to participate meaningfully and keenly in the development of our community and not sit aloof waiting on others to take care of the issues. When that happens, we get to suffer the most.”

The European Union-funded project aimed to empower the citizenry to demand accountability from people in trusted positions, including assembly members, Members of Parliament and public office-holders.

In attendance at the programme held at the island community in the District were traditional leaders, the youth, women groups, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), members of the local assembly and Christian groups, among others. The day saw the formation and inauguration of a nine-member Social Auditing Implementation Committee to oversee the execution of the prioritised projects of the community.

The Committee’s task, therefore, would involve conferring with all key stakeholders to address the concerns of the community which included the extension of water and electricity supplies to some parts, a centre for skills acquisition, establishment of a market centre, pupils absenteeism and the use of hard substances particularly by the youth.

Regent of Torgbui Age III, Dufia of Genui, who chaired the event admonished the youth to take good care of themselves and stay clear of hard substances.

He also called on them to direct their strength into activities that would advance the cause and development of Genui for the common good of all.