General News of Tuesday, 11 June 2019


Be truthful – Pentecost Chairman to Christians

Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye

Christian professionals have been charged to always stand for the truth in their various fields of endeavours no matter the circumstances.

This is because God has intentionally placed them in their spheres of work as representatives of Christ so that through them they that do not know Christ (the truth) may seek Him and find Him.

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, threw the challenge during the inauguration of the Pentecost Professionals Network held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, on Saturday, 8 June 2019.

The professional groupings include The Church of Pentecost Health Professionals Network (COPHNet), Pentecost Built Environment Guild, Pentecost Media Guild, Pentecost Finance/Banking Guild, Pentecost Educationists Guild, Pentecost Judicial Workers Guilds, Pentecost Business Men and Women Network, Pentecost Music/Entertainment Guild, Pentecost IT Guild, and Pentecost Hospitality Guild.

Speaking on the topic, “Truth,” the Chairman said truth is the soul of every nation, and the way that every nation should tread. “If you take truth away there will be confusion; there will be no righteousness,” he said.

“Young people are looking for authentic people who will carry themselves in truth but they are scarce. I want you to be on the side of Jesus and show yourself up as one who is on His side by holding on to the truth at all times.

“Allow yourself to be a true branch of Jesus Christ. Wherever you are know that you are representing the truth.

“Truth has fallen in the streets but it shouldn’t fall in the church. If you are a member of the Church, arise and show forth that you are for Christ. We can take this nation for Christ,” he stated.

Reading from Isaiah 59: 14-16, Apostle Nyamekye said truth is the most powerful thing and most valuable thing on earth, but it has fallen in the streets. He bemoaned that there are no values any longer as everything now is relative – it depends on you and your interpretation. “When you steal and you are caught that is your problem. But when you steal and you are not caught the world will describe that as being smart,” he bemoaned.

He added: “Truth does not matter in the cultural certain. Truth, in fact, does not matter in the political arena at all. It is no longer appreciated in the law courts; it all depends on argument. It is not about truth any longer. People who are supposed to be in prison are walking free and we carry them shoulder high. Truth is not appreciated in the schools any longer. Truth cannot be found in the hospital arena.”

The Chairman explained that Jesus Christ is the epitome of truth, having declared in Matthew 14:6 that He is the way, the truth and the life, and also when He was arraigned before Pilate, He asserted in John 18:37-38 that He came to earth to testify of the truth.

He pointed out that everyone who is on the side of truth listens to Jesus Christ and does not follow the crowd. “All those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ, the reason you are born again cannot be different from the reasons with which Christ came. He came to witness and testify about the truth. You cannot have any agenda besides this one,” he said.

Reading further from 1 Timothy 3:14-15, the Chairman stated that the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth. He said that when one is born again, he/she becomes a member of the church, and that he/she should be the bearer of the truth.

According to the Chairman, in analysing Jesus’ statement during His encounter with Pilate it can be deduced that it is not so much about what the truth is, because people know the truth. However, who to be the embodiment of the truth is the challenge.

He therefore charged Christian professionals not to compromise their work ethics and Christian values and principles in their workplaces, because it is only the truth that can bring economic freedom to Ghana, adding that the truth should bring freedom to the church because truth is the way.

He revealed that God scattered the Levites (the priesthood family) among the people in 48 towns when the Israelites got to the Promised Land since they [Levites] were not given any land. They were to live among the people so that through them the truth would be made known to the people.

“All of us are representing one sphere or the other. We have been equipped and unleashed among the people to go and impact them. Anyone on God’s side should show himself up as a person who is standing for the truth. One person cannot possess the nations. It takes all of us to take our spheres for Christ, and together we can change Mother Ghana. We can transform the nation by our truth and the light and the salt that we have,” he stated.
