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Politics of Thursday, 14 May 2020


Benchmark Policy: NPP yet to realize governance is a serious business- John Jinapor

John Jinapor John Jinapor

Former Deputy Minister in charge of Power, John Jinapor has said that the Nana Addo led administration is yet to realize that governance and the management of Affairs of this country is a serious business.

In the assertion of the National Democratic Congress(NDC) Member of Parliament(MP)for Yapei-Kusawgu, the government is showing a lot of bad fate in the governance of the country as it continuously deceives the people of Ghana.

According to him, the government has in another deceptive manner secretly reversed a policy of cutting down benchmark port values by some 50%.

Government in April announced an immediate drastic reduction in the benchmark values against which duties paid by importers at Ghana’s ports are calculated.

It has however emerged that the decision has been reversed. In a letter dated 4th May 2020, the Acting Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority Amissah Addai Owusu Amoah directed that an attached list of goods be excluded from enjoying the 50% and 30% on goods and vehicles respectively under the benchmark policy.

John Jinapor in a Facebook post wrote “The deception of this NPP Government is beyond comprehension."

"After engaging in a well calculated publicity stunt that the Akufo Addo-led government has reduced benchmark Port Values by 50%, they have clandestinely reversed the Policy through a letter dated 4th May 2020."

"When will they come to the realisation that governance is a serious business!!!”