Soccer News of Sunday, 10 February 2008

Source: The Observer

Bikey victim speaks out

Samuel Ashia, the first-aid man pushed over by Andre Bikey during Cameroon's Africa Cup of Nations semi-final against Ghana, will be in action tonight at the final - unlike the Reading player.

Rigobert Song was receiving treatment with his team leading the hosts 1-0 late in Thursday's match when Bikey took exception to attempts to move the player on to a stretcher and off the pitch. Ashia, of the St John Ambulance, said: 'The referee called us on to the pitch to pick Song up. I thought he wanted to waste time and we were about to put him on the stretcher when Bikey pushed me.

'It was very forceful, and I landed badly. It didn't hurt at the time but the next day my head ached and the area around my waist did, too. 'Lots of people, friends and strangers, have told me I should have retaliated, but I was there to do a job. I didn't talk to him at all. I stood up and as he started talking away I just looked at him. He's bigger than I am - and I'm there to do my job and not to fight.

'If he wants to talk to me now, before the final, then I will listen. But I don't want to meet him again because he attacked me for no reason.

'I will just carry on doing my job and I don't expect it to happen again. Players should respect us - we are there to save lives.'

In 2003, Cameroon's Marc-Vivien Foe died after collapsing during a Confederations Cup match against Colombia.
