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Regional News of Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Source: GNA

Birim North honours traditional leaders

The Birim North District Assembly has named several streets in the district after traditional leaders in the area who have contributed immensely to the development of the district.

Past and current chiefs and queen mother including Nana Kwaku Nipa, Nana Asamoah Opuni and Nana Antwi Banson a deceased chief, krontihene and a royal respectively, and Nana Antwima Amane the only woman to have become a chief in the town have streets named after them.

Nana Amo kyeretwie 1, the current chief of Abirem and Nana Adwoa Krofaa, the late queen mother also have streets named after them under the street naming exercise, due to their contribution to the creation of the district.

Some tourist attractions such as Abohema, literally meaning, a river with white stones or a stream full of white stones among others have been used as street names to boost tourism and uphold the value of tradition and natural resources.

Mr Paul Aboagye Dadzie, the DCE told GNA in an interview that, the naming of streets in the district capital has been done and it is left with the other towns and property naming which had commenced earnestly.

He explained that, the chiefs and other traditional leaders in the town had supported the development agenda of the assembly over the years especially during the initial stages for the creation of the district and therefore the assembly decided to recognize their contribution with the street naming.

According to Mr Dadzie, the current chief’s support was very instrumental in the processes leading to the street naming exercise to ensure that, the district met the president’s deadline in September.

He said the support of the traditional authorities had been overwhelming that it was imperative to take their names out and assured that, with the level of support from the chief, the naming exercise in the various towns would be done since the names had been identified.