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Religion of Friday, 2 January 2015

Source: GNA

Bishop Kwofie calls for transparency and accountability

Most Reverend John Bonaventure Kwofie, Catholic Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese, on Thursday called for greater transparency and accountability at all levels of socio-political and economic life.

Officials must also put an end to corrupt practices so that what belongs to the people would reach them, he said in a New Year Message released to the press at Takoradi.

Bishop Kwofie asked the country’s political leaders to work hard to improve the situation of the people they lead.

He expressed the hope that pastors who exploit people in the name of religion would stop creating unnecessary fear and disturbing society with unfounded claims.

He said the hope for a better future called for more and better planning in individual and corporate lives as well as hard work.

Bishop Kwofie expressed the hope that a permanent solution to the country’s electricity problem would be found this year adding; “it is shameful that we have faced this situation for so many years and have not found a solution to it”.

He said the lack of employment was sending society into the slavery of poverty and that God delivered the Israelites from Egypt because He hates slavery.

“Our prayer is that the situation in the country will change for the better in 2015 and Christians are needed to play their part so that this change will come true as we live more and more our vocation as “salt for the earth,” “light for the world,” and “leaven in the society,” Bishop Kwofie said.

He said it was a contradiction for the people to call themselves Christians and fail to be compassionate.

Bishop Kwofie said Jesus taught the people to be compassionate because God is compassionate.