General News of Friday, 30 April 2004

Source: GNA

Bishop expresses dismay at "Akpeteshie" Consumption

Sirigu (U/E), April 30, GNA - The Most Reverend Lucas Abadamloora, Bishop of the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocese, on Thursday expressed concern at the high consumption of "akpeteshie" in parts of the Upper East Region, saying many people were becoming alcoholics.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Sirigu near Navrongo in the Kassena-Nankana District, the Bishop said the Diocese had instituted a decree banning the serving of alcoholic beverages at any of its gatherings, adding that it was rather unfortunate that nothing could be done to curtail the inflow of akpeteshie from the South.

"It is sad that this alcoholic beverage is fast becoming the most desired drink at funerals and other gatherings, pushing the locally brewed pito to the background".

He said many adults in the communities waste their money on the drink to the neglect of their families, thereby worsening their standard of living and also retarding the progress of the community.

He regretted that the youth were being lured to taking the drink, which can lead to addiction, affect their health negatively and arrest their progress in life.

He called on people in the Diocese to avoid drinking and rather channel their resources to making life better for their families.