General News of Wednesday, 7 September 2005

Source: GNA

Bishops appeals for donations for Hurricane victims

Accra, Sept. 7, GNA - The Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference (GCBC) on Wednesday appealed to Catholics and all people of goodwill to make a special collection in churches throughout the country on either September 11 or 18, this year, in aid of victims of Hurricane Katrina in the United States.

A statement in Accra, signed by Mr Benedict Assorow, Executive Secretary of the Department of Social Communication (DEPSOCOM) of the Bishops Conference, and attributed to the Most Reverend Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle, Vice President of the Bishops Conference, said the conference had learnt with deep sorrow the occurrence of the hurricane that had devastated some cities along the Gulf of Mexico.

The statement said the bishops expressed their solidarity and prayed for the victims, comprising the dead and their families, the injured, the homeless, the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable. The statement requested Catholics and well wishers to make their donations to the Ghana Catholic Church Fund, US Hurricane Victims, adding that the donations would be sent to the victims through the US Catholic Bishops Conference as the contribution of the Catholic Church in Ghana.