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Health News of Tuesday, 28 September 2004

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Bitters As Aphrodisiac Can Cause Diabetes

Young men who are lovers of locally prepared energisers popularly known as bitters to boost their sexual prowess, risk getting diabetes, a pharmacists has warned.

According to Mr. John Allotey, such men need to seek medial attention instead of relying on aphrodisiac concoctions.

Mr Allotey, who gave the warning at a seminar on diabetes in Accra, indicated that the disease is a major cause of impotency among most young men in Ghana.

He therefore stressed the need for young people who are sexually weak to consider seeking medical attention since their problem might be due to diabetes.

Diabetes is not a curable disease but its early detection could enhance its control or any complications, which are likely to develop in affected persons.

Some of the complications of diabetes include eye and kidney diseases and nerve damage.

Medical reports say over 50 percent of non-accident lower limp amputation in Ghana, were due to diabetes.

Medical treatment such as the use of tablets and insulin could be administered to control the disease at an early stage to prolong the live of the sufferer.

The pharmacist explained that people, who are overweight as well as those who eat greasy foods like junk foods, stand the risk of diabetes.

Mr Allotey advised, especially young people and pregnant women to ensure that they are properly screen for diabetes.

Data available at the Ghana Diabetes Centre (GDC), shows that over 2,000 new cases of diabetes are recorded over the period.

The centre has so far diagnosed over 30,000 people of diabetes.

The prevalent rate of the disease in Ghana stands at 4.5 percent, with the Greater Accra Region, being described as an epidemic zone.