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Politics of Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Source: joyonline

Blaming opponents for market fires is suicidal – Bature

Managing Editor of the Al-Hajj newspaper, Alhaji Iddrisu Bature has cautioned the government against blaming political opponents for recent fire outbreaks across the country.

According to him, it would be politically unwise on the part of government to blame an opposition party for the fires "when Ghanaians have entrusted power into your hand to protect lives and property".

"We have a vicious opposition so you [government] don’t have to open yourself up for all kinds of attacks from them. When you put your hands in their [opposition's] mouth, they will bite it," he warned.

Alhaji Bature was commenting on the claim by the National Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Kwabena Adjei that elements within the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) are behind the recent fire outbreaks in the country.

Meanwhile, some American experts have arrived in the country to help investigate the fires and find a lasting solution to the problem.

But speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Tuesday, Alhaji Bature said: "we don’t need a rocket scientist to tell us the cause of the fire".

He noted that until proper markets are built across the country, the fire outbreaks will persist.

"Common sense should tell us that our markets are fertile grounds for fire outbreaks. In a market where tomatoes and onions are sold together with combustible materials like brake fluid, engine oil this is what happens."

Alhaji Bature indicated that the government would be shooting itself in the foot if it continues to cast "needless" innuendos on political opponents.

"Sometimes I even wonder why people try to attribute the market fires to somebody or an institution when we have created a fertile ground for the market fires," he bemoaned.

The Al Hajj Editor pooh-poohed government’s suspicion of arson in the incessant fire outbreaks adding that it is not the solution to the problem.

He said no saboteur or arsonist would set fire to only markets if he really wants to make the Mahama-led government unpopular.

"If this is the work of a saboteur, he will not set fire to only markets. He will extend it to the Airport, stadium, shopping mall and to lorry parks to cow Ghanaians into fear".

Alhaji Bature said what is happening in the country is nothing extraordinary, but the onus lies with the government to arrest the situation.