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Health News of Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Source: GNA

Blood donation exercise in Tema

The Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA) in collaboration with BC Global Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, on Saturday organised a blood donation exercise in Tema.

This is to augment blood stock at the National Blood Bank.

Mr Isaac Ashai Odamten, the TMA Chief Executive, said the objective of the exercise was to save the lives of pregnant women during delivery.

The organisers were able to mobilise 50 pints of blood.

Mr Odamten said the exercise would be organised quarterly and the target is to get 100 donors each quarter.

He expressed gratitude to the sponsors; Indomie, Cocoa Processing Company, Nestle and other stakeholders and appealed to other organisations to come on board.

Dr John B. K. Yabani, the Tema Metro Director of Health lauded the donors.

Mr Edward Kpornu, the founder of BC Global Foundation, said his organization found it necessary to join hands with the TMA to organize the programme as their social responsibility towards saving lives.

Mr. Felix Appertey, a Blood Donor Recruitment Officer of the National Blood Bank, appealed to Ghanaians to donate blood to help save lives.