Opinions of Monday, 6 July 2020

Columnist: Paul Honkani, Contributor

Bolga East: Veronica cans meant for basic schools branded with NPP stickers

File photo: An NPP sticker on a Veronica bucket File photo: An NPP sticker on a Veronica bucket

Following the announcement by President Akuffo Addo about the partial reopening of schools, Ghanaians were initially sceptical about the modus. But later were relieved to hear that Veronica buckets, as well as other safety equipment, would be provided to schools prior to their reopening.

However, it turns out that the Veronica buckets that have been provided by the government which is meant to be distributed to schools have been branded with the pictures of the parliamentary candidate for Bolga East and the President of Ghana.

This has led to the dismay of many in the Region since the inscription clearly states "VOTE Nana Akuffo Addo as President 2020 and Hon Rev. Emmanuel Abugre Above as member of Parliament for Bolga East "

Scores of people are vexed with this development and think it is an abuse of incumbency since the parliamentary candidate is the current District Chief executive for Bolga East. Several others are also of the view that it is an abuse on the rights of the pupils since they are below the ages of 18 and should not be exposed to partisan politics. It is unclear why the district assembly did what they did. But it has enured the wrath of many.