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Regional News of Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Source: Daily Guide

Boy, 4, dies in Septic Tank

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A four-year old boy has died after he accidentally fell into a septic tank, filled with human excreta on Saturday around 11:30am.

Identified as Alidu, the deceased, reportedly, fell into the septic tank whilst playing with his friends at Dichemso Akurase, a suburb of Kumasi.

He sank deep into the human excreta for some minutes until some brave people in the area mustered courage to rescue him.

Alidu was rushed to the Manhyia Government Hospital but he reportedly gave up the ghost a few minutes after arriving at the hospital.

He was said to be vomiting human excreta which he probably swallowed whilst in the septic tank, minutes before he gave up the ghost.

Richard Karikari, a member of the National Road Safety Committee, who broke the news to the paper, said there were sad scenes all over Dichemso.

According to him, Alidu’s mother said the deceased and his friends were happily playing behind a public toilet at Dichemso Akurase.

In the course of the playing, Alidu accidentally stepped on a weak plywood covering the open septic tank, which caved in.

Alidu, amid tears, fell headlong into the septic tank and reportedly, swallowed a good amount of human excreta before he was rescued.

The deceased’s entire body was covered with the human excreta and he was also looking very weak at the time he was rescued and rushed to the hospital. He died a few minutes after.

Karikari disclosed that the sad and shocking circumstances leading to Alidu’s death had been reported to the police for investigation.