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Politics of Thursday, 11 August 2011

Source: GNA

Brong-Ahafo Region NPP expresses concern about insults

Sunyani, Aug. 11, GNA - The Brong-Ahafo Regional Secretariat of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) on Thursday condemned the politics of insults that is tainting Ghana's democratic credentials.

The secretariat said the NPP in the region would do its best in ensuring the 2012 electioneering campaign would be conducted in a responsible manner, devoid of provocative statements by activists. This was contained in statement signed by Mr. Alfred Ofori Annye, Regional Party Secretary and copied to the Ghana News Agency on Thursday. "We the NPP will continue reminding Ghanaians about the vague promis= es, which are issues based and not insults", the statement said. "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one", the statement again quoted fr= om Colossians Chapter Four verse six. The statement said the 2012 general election 93is not about who can h= url insults the fastest, but rather who will put food on the table of Ghanaians= , judging from the administrations of the NPP and the NDC".