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General News of Monday, 31 July 2017


Bugri Naabu blames NPP’s 'sinking fortunes' on 'wicked' MPs

Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Daniel Bugri Naabu Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Daniel Bugri Naabu

Northern Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party, Daniel Bugri Naabu has blamed the region’s NPP Members of Parliament for the rejection of the President’s nominees for the DCE position.

Speaking at the party, Regional Delegates Conference the Chairman said the party is losing grounds gradually because the Members of Parliament who need to be working in favour of the party have turned their back against the President.

“The problems are in the region are not from the regional executives but rather some of the MPs.”

He indicated that the MPs are campaigning against the approval of the President’s nminees; a move he thinks is sinking the fortunes of the party in the Northern Region.

He said, “As I am talking to you now if there are elections today, we will not win. Gushegu is sick and other places too [but] I won’t mention now”.