General News of Tuesday, 19 August 1997

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Builsa Education Oversight Committee Inaugurated

Sandema (U/E) Aug. 18, - Mr Daniel Syme, Builsa District Chief Executive has appealed to teachers in the district to use the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) programme to bridge the educational gap between the district and other parts of the country. Mr Syme, who was speaking at the inauguration of the district education oversight committee at Sandema, said the district assembly had placed a high premium on education and would liaise constantly with the committee on all educational plans and activities. He said the assembly has committed over 70 per cent of its share of the common fund to education and is currently engaged in building schools at Gbedema, Gbedembilisi, Doninga and Uwaisi. Mr Syme suggested that Ayieta Primary and Preparatory schools both at Sandema, should be turned into model schools to enhance enrolment. Mr Jacob Ibn Asigir, the district director of education promised to provide the committee with accurate information on the educational situation to enable it to design appropriate strategies to ensure the success of the FCUBE programme. Membership of the committee is drawn from the assembly, traditional council, religious organizations and some decentralised government departments.