General News of Monday, 19 May 1997

Source: --


Members of Cabinet yesterday directed that a full report on the causes of fuel problem should be submitted to it. This should be submitted to it. This was after they have received comprehensive briefing on the situation.

A release issued in Accra and signed by Mr. F.A. Danso, Secretary to the Cabinet after its meeting also recommended for the approval of Parliament an IDA supplementary credit of $3.60 million to further support Private Sector Adjustment Programme.

It also recommended to Parliament ratification of the UN Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The 1997 Formula for the Sharing of the District Assemblies Common Fund was also approved.

The release said the Computer Crime Bill was considered, but in view of the sophisticated crime can be committed by means of modern electronic information equipment, it was decided that the bill be re-examined in the light of relevant laws in force in other countries.

According to the release, the members also expressed their rededication tot he processes initiated on May 15, 1979 and paid reverence to the memories of those who sacrificed their lives on that day.