General News of Monday, 25 November 2013

Source: XYZ

CJ's probe into vikileaks saga needless - K.B. Asante

Retired Diplomat K.B. Asante has described as “unnecessary” the Chief Justice’s probe into the vikileaks saga.

An 8-member committee has been set up by the Chief Justice to investigate claims heard on a leaked tape that a minister influenced the election petition verdict.

The probe follows a request by the opposition NPP after the leakage of a gossipy conversation of dismissed Deputy Communications Minister, Victoria Hammah.

She’s heard on the tape saying Gender Minister Nana Oye Lithur met the Supreme Court Justices before the final verdict was delivered.

Speaking on ‘TIME WITH K B ASANTE’ on Radio XYZ, the retired Diplomat said the probe is needless and a complete waste of time.

“I don’t think its proper…as a matter of fact I would have criticized the party for making this request but for the fact that I thought they might have had other reasons, I wasn’t happy that the Chief Justice was asked to establish an enquiry into the matter”.

K.B. Asante has also demanded the prosecution of Management members found to have indulged in wrongdoing in the sale of merchant Bank Ghana to Fortiz Equity Fund.
