General News of Sunday, 21 February 2010


CJD Condemns The Minority In Parliament


The Citizens for Democracy and Justice (CJD) wishes to condemn in no uncertain terms the undemocratic behavior of the Minority Leader and his Members.CJD finds very reprehensible the double standard and hypocrisy of the Minority in Parliament so long as the independence of the Judiciary is concerned. We regard the Minority’s boycott as unconstitutional to the extent that the bases of that action is also premised on malice and has no legal locus. CJD considers the decision of the Minority as crass contempt to the integrity and conscience of the Ghanaian. The group also wishes to remind the New Patriotic Party that the term “Minority Leader” was intended to strengthen the sense of cohesion in the House and not to arrogate to himself unfettered privileges and unwarranted non-existing authority to stampede the progress of the House.

As Members of Parliament, and elected representatives of their constituents they are undeniably the agents for the realization of the aspirations of their people and the nation at large, as the status quo of Parliament still maintains. The most productive way the Minority in Parliament could demonstrate loyalty to their party and patriotism to the nation is to offer constructive alternative ideas and not to commit themselves to retarding the growth of business in the House. The nation will be at a tremendous loss if the Minority should insist on their action as business cannot commence without a quorum (Article 102 of the 1992Constitution) and we wish to send a strong message to the Minority that they cannot twist the arms of the Judiciary to yield to their demands. The Minority must acknowledge and appreciate the principle of separation of powers and that the Judiciary is as independent as any other arm of government and on no account should there be any interference in the works of the other (Article 125 of the 1992 Constitution). The action of the Minority, in this regard, amounts to blackmail and hijacking of the Judiciary. Indeed it is a mockery of our democracy and a travesty of justice. The Attorney General decides on her own volition when and which case to discontinue and shall do so under no instruction from the Minority.

The 1992 Constitution guarantees the Freedom and Independence of the Media under Article 162 and guided by this spirit It is our considered believe that Mr. Kofi Adams has sinned against the Constitution for calling on the police and leading them to storm the said radio station on that faithful day. His actions were counterproductive to our quest to deepen and entrench our nascent democracy. It is our considered opinion that Mr. Kofi Adams could have instituted a civil action without virtually raiding the radio station in the company of police officers. It is also instructive to note that citizens are guided by the Constitution to exercise their right and enjoy their freedom mindful of the fact that they must do so in respect for the rights of others and most of all in the public interest (Article 12(2) of the 1992 Constitution).

Citizens for Justice and Democracy as crusaders of democratic agenda and advocates for a just world find the conduct of judge C.A. Wilson as most unprofessional. The ruling on 18th February, 2010 brings into our criminal proceedings a new phenomenon and we consider it a very worrying development for our justice system. There are five crimes that as citizens we know are insulated from bill (drug offences, rape, treason, arm robbery and murder) and not a case of misdemeanor under Section 208 of the Criminal Offences Act. We hereby call for the immediate resignation of judge C.A.Wilson from further supervising over this trial as his continue superintendence over the case will smack of biasness and a further open display of incompetence. We at this juncture seek the intervention of the Chief Justice to appoint a new judge to preside over the trial in other for the outcome to be welcomed by all and ultimately be devoid of any political interest.

The Citizens for Justice and Democracy call on all Ghanaians to defend the Constitution and our democracy at all times.

Long live Justice and Democracy!!!!!
Long live Ghana!!!!!!
Ali Dawud