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General News of Thursday, 19 March 2020


COA FS not a cure for coronavirus – Manufacturers

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The Center of Awareness Global Peace Mission (COA GPM) has denied media reports that its COA FS medicine is a cure for the deadly coronavirus.

As the world continues its search for a cure for the virus that has infected over 200,000 lives globally, COA FS has been mentioned as one of the drugs that could help battle the virus.

But in a release issued on Thursday, COA GPM disassociated itself from the reports, clarifying that the call by its Executive President was to court the attention of the World Health Organization to conduct further tests on the drug as a possible cure for the virus.

It stated that COA FS remains a nutritional supplement which boosts the immune system and helps it fight infections.

“We wish to state that COA FS is not a cure for Coronavirus. Also, during the recent press conference, neither Professor Samuel Ato Duncan nor any other speaker alluded to the fact that COA FS is a cure for Coronavirus”.

“COA FS is registered as a food supplement that boosts the immune system and this is what we preach”, excerpts of the statement read.

Below is the full statement



Our attention has been drawn to some publications in the media under the above headline.

We wish to state that COA FS is not a cure for Coronavirus. Also, during the recent press conference, neither Professor Samuel Ato Duncan nor any other speaker alluded to the fact that COA FS is a cure for Coronavirus.

The Center of Awareness Global Peace Mission (COA GPM) therefore disassociates itself from such publications. To set the record straight, The Executive President of the Center, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan during the Press Conference appealed to the government and research institutions globally to subject COA FS to further research in order to ascertain its effectiveness against COVID-19. This appeal arose because some infected COVID-19 patients in China claimed they recovered after using the COA FS Immune Booster.

COA FS is registered as a food supplement that boosts the immune system and this is what we preach.

