Diaspora News of Friday, 19 October 2007

Source: Wisdom Nyamasekpor

CPP (Canada) Chapter Born In Toronto

A core group of former CPP loyalists, party faithfuls including women and young supporters of the Nkrumahist philosophy and ideology met in Toronto recently to formally establish the Canadian Chapter of the resurrected Convention Peoples Party (CPP) that was led by the first president, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to gain independence for Ghana (formerly the Gold Coast) and the first South-Saharan African nation to gain independence from British rule.

The Chapter has been formed to provide a united front to work harmoniously and coordinate efforts and activities with all North American CPP chapters and Nkrumahist organizations in all provinces and states of Canada and the United States. The Chapter will also among other things engage in the following:

a. Educate the Ghanaian electorate, particularly the youth in Canada and in the Diaspora, on what the CPP stood for and what the party stands for today in the political history of Ghana and Africa.

b. Mobilize and galvanize the support of all old and new party loyalists, sympathizers, Pan-Africanists and converts across Canada to win back power with renewed vigor and strength during the 2008 general elections and beyond in Ghana.

c. Support efforts materially or financially toward the ongoing resurrection plans of the CPP to become a formidable political force.

d. Support dedicated, ideologically sound and experienced men, women and youth of the tradition, who have the vision required to harness all resources, both human and material, for the pursuit of an efficient and accelerated developmental growth for the well-being of all Ghanaians today.

e. Create a platform and equal opportunities in Canada and in Ghana for all CPP leadership aspirants to market themselves without bias or favour in the primaries. This chapter will provide the needed support for the candidate who ultimately wins as the flag bearer of the CPP.

The establishment of the Chapter is further based on the total belief of the core group that, the CPP of today is the only party that can provide the right leadership and guarantee a people?s government, participatory democracy, rule of law and order, and an economic agenda for all Ghanaians, particularly the youth who are the future leaders.

The Chapter has been duly registered with National Headquarters in Accra, Ghana and is fully recognized and authorized to issue the party?s membership cards to all who want to join the party in Canada. Based on the party?s constitution, an Interim Steering Committee of the Chapter has been formed with the under-listed members to run the chapter until permanent officers are elected.

1. Chairman Alfred Bonney 905-890-0778

2. Vice Chairman Wisdom Nyamasekpor 647-428-5767/416-402-8198

3. Francis Ahinful 416-740-0910/647-740-0910

4. Secretary Tony Blay-Achem 416-695-7614/746-618-7614

5. Assistant Secretary Paul Hasford 905-874-9416

6. Organizer/ Co-ordinatior Martin Adusei Peasah 416-661-0537

7. Assistant Organizer Kwame Kyei Nketiah 905-654-1760/416-875-7923

8. Treasurer Kwaku Armah 905-454-9217/647-885-4416

9. Women's Organizer Victoria Koshie Lamptey

10. East-End Co-ordinator Yaw Poku

11. Public Relations/Media Jerry A. 416-740-0662

To this end, all former members and activists of the CPP/PNP and affiliated branches of Nkrumahist organizations and individuals in Canada, coast to coast, are hereby invited to join the Chapter of the resurrected CPP by contacting the Secretary of the Interim Steering Committee (ISC) above for all necessary information about the Chapter, membership and /or registration and by email at cpp.canada@gmail.com

While the ISC of the CPP (Canada) Chapter is making serious efforts and hopes to contact all known comrades in Canada, it wishes to take this opportunity to invite all former members, affiliated organizations/institutions, Pan-Africanists, activists of the CPP/PNP to promptly respond to this clarion call and come aboard the ship of FREEDOM and VICTORY. The words of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah were that ?organization decides everything?. So we believe in the unity of purpose, and would like to hear from the following individuals and organizations of the CPP/PNP tradition residing in any part of Canada to organize and respond to our call to come on board.

o Former Central Committee Members

o Former Steering Committee and Executive Committee Members

o Former Office holders under the CPP and PNP administration including Ministers, Members of Parliament, Regional and District Commissioners, Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Foreign Service Workers.

o Former National, Regional, District Party Executive Officers.

o Former Students of the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute

o Former National, Regional, District Officers/Organizers and Members of the Ghana Young Pioneer Movement

o Former members of Builders, Workers and Farmers Brigades, the Farmers Council, Ghana Co-operative Council and Ex-TUC members under the CPP administration..

o Former members of the CPP/PNP Women?s Wing, The Youth Wing and other group members of the People?s National Party etc.

Comrades, friends, sympathizers and all well-wishers in Canada and elsewhere, the CPP is a renewed political party and is once again poised to win power, rebuild and develop the country and free its people from poverty. Let us all join hands now to achieve that goal, for there is victory for us.

Freedom!! There is Victory for Us!! Forward Ever, Backward Never!! Long Live Ghana!, Long Live Africa!.