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General News of Friday, 13 July 2012

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CPP Responds To Fake Story On Free Chicken

“The Convention People’s Party (CPP) has promised every household in the country free chicken if the party wins the upcoming general elections”

The above was the headline of a story attributed to I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr. A Kumasi correspondent of the Daily Guide published in the Daily Guide and used by a number of media sites including Peacefmonline and Ghanaweb.

The Convention People’s Party wishes to state categorically that the story is an invention of I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr and the Daily Guide because the CPP does not have a Youth Organiser at its Subin Constituency Branch named Abdul Rahman as stated in the story. Additionally the CPP has recently published its manifesto which clearly outlines its policy objectives for the country - the first political party to do so.

The CPP Manifesto has been widely circulated to all media houses, CPP Regional and Constituency Branches, and nowhere within that document does the CPP promise every household in the country free chicken.

We would question the motive of Mr I.F Joe Awuah Jnr’s story, since it fails to meet the high journalistic standards necessary for such a story against the background of an issued and circulated CPP manifesto.

We would ask Mr Awuah what checks he carried out to ascertain the true identity of the person claiming to be a youth organiser of the CPP when he interviewed him at a public place - “Heroes Park, Baba Yara Stadium, Kumasi”
Mr Awuah and the Daily Guide should confirm to the nation proof that the said Abdul Rahman is a Youth Organiser of the CPP, or withdraw the article.

In recent months the Convention People’s Party has become the beacon of hope for the millions of our fellow citizens disillusioned and disenchanted with the situation of corruption, waste and mismanagement in the country , and the many disengaged from our politics. The party has set the standard for the country at every level – a party putting country before party; the CPP Congress was acclaimed by CODEO as an example to the country; the first to publish a manifesto for the elections to seek to steer the debate back onto issues rather than insults; its Presidential candidate Dr Abu Sakara is widely accepted as the candidate setting the tone for the elections following his IEA encounter.
We can only assume that such reckless reporting is designed by those seeking to dent the image of the party as a Serious, Focused, Disciplined, Credible and Electable Party and to seek to reverse the CPP advance as the most credible alternative in the coming elections.

Ghana Must Work Again – Yabre!!!

Nii Armah Akomfrah
Director of Communication