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General News of Tuesday, 17 August 2004

Source: GNA

CPP calls on govt to expedite action on Polytechnic impasse

Accra, Aug. 17, GNA - The Greater Accra branch of the Convention People's Party (CPP) on Tuesday called on the Government to expedite action on the Polytechnic students grading to enable the students to return to lectures as soon as practicable.

A statement signed by Mr Jonathan A. Attoh, Regional Secretary of the CPP, said the Party was disturbed about the continued boycott of lectures by the students and the perpetual silence of the Government, which must solve the problem.

It said though the CPP was conscious of the fact that the grading of the Polytechnic students in the labour market was thorny and, therefore, must be handled with care, the Party considered the Government duty bound to apply all principles to end the deadlock.

The statement said it regarded the long absence of the students from the lecture rooms as a near future disincentive to national development as that would result in the non-availability of trained and efficient staff to man the middle level points.

It said the CPP blamed the Government, which is expected to do better than what it had done so far, adding that the lukewarm and the insensitive attitude shown by the Government in the matter was worrying. "The CPP is reminding the Government of the hardship the boycott is causing parents and guardians, who have already taken care of the lodging needs of their children and wards, respectively, as they would be expected to spend some extra money when they are going back to school," it said. 17 Aug. 04