General News of Monday, 14 January 2013


CPP must stop hounding flagbearers after elections - Sakara

The flagbearer of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) for the 2012 election has called on the leadership of the party to stop stifling his efforts to revive the Nkrumaist party.

Dr. Abu Sakara has come under intense pressure to apologize for his poor performance in the 2012 elections, a request he has declined.

He has however stated his intention to contest again in 2016 on the ticket of the CPP.

Dr Abu Sakara in an interview with XYZ News said the culture of frustrating flagbearers after every election must stop.

“In the CPP, we have had a culture of hanging out the flagbearers to dry after every election.

“I had hoped that in this election since my campaign was not a negative campaign to win the flagbearership…I had expected we would have that massive support behind the flagbearer,” Dr. Sakara said.

He added that “the campaign is now over and I want to make it very clear that I would not remain silent, if anyone raises any finger of accusation against me I would speak”.
