General News of Thursday, 19 April 2001

Source: GNA

CSAG pledges unflinching support for government

The National Executive Council (NEC), of the Civil Servants' Association of Ghana (CSAG), has re-affirmed its unflinching loyalty, support and dedication to the government and resolved to work hard and enhance efficiency in the Civil Service.

The NEC also expressed its appreciation for the compromise and maturity displayed by both the incumbent and the past government to ensuring a smooth transfer of power.

In a communiqu? issued in Accra, on Wednesday, the NEC however called for more consultations and dialogues on matters affecting Civil Servants in general and the Association in particular.

The communique was issued at the end of a three-day meeting, of the NEC and ten Executive Committee members, drawn from all the regions in Cape Coast early this month.

It said the Council expressed the hope that "work environment devoid of partisan politics and promotion of professional matters in respect of the Civil Service, would be pursued by all in the efficient execution of government policies."

The NEC recalled its complimentary and facilitating role of the association in mobilising support for government policies as a two-way channel in articulating the concerns of Civil Servants to the government.

"A relationship built upon mutual trust in the common pursuit of national interest and that of the workers' well being would further be enhanced to foster good governance and reasonable levels of economic growth", it added.

The NEC said the delay in determining a national minimum wage is affecting productivity of Civil Servants and commitment of workers.

The communiqu? noted that lack of this index is disabling the association from taking realistic stand on the year 2001 negotiations for a new salary structure.

The NEC further called on the government to increase the allocation of salary advance having regards to the real and related "hardship civil servants go through and the difficulties in contracting bank facilities even at cruel rates of interest".

It suggested an "occupational Pension Scheme" as obtained in other institutions and called for the re-introduction of Pension Scheme under 'Cap 30' or its variant in addition to the SNNIT Pension Scheme which is of extreme importance.

The NEC also supported funding through the National Insurance Health Scheme, which had been on the drawing board for a long time, adding that the cost to the workers and ordinary citizens is becoming very unbearable.

It said during the colonial and post colonial era Public Servants enjoyed free medical care as a condition of service and it should not be difficult to start with the health sector in the implementation of the scheme.