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General News of Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Cabinet and Parliament did due diligence before approving ambulances - Jakpa to court

Third accused in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial, Richard Jakpa Third accused in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial, Richard Jakpa

The third accused person in the ongoing ambulance case, Richard Jakpa, has stated that the Cabinet and Parliament approved the process for the procurement of ambulances and its specifications, asserting that all necessary due diligence was meticulously observed.

The statement was made on Tuesday, July 2, in response to a legal challenge by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Godfred Yeboah Dame questioning the integrity and transparency of the procurement procedures.

The accused person emphasised that the approval process involved comprehensive scrutiny at multiple levels, ensuring that the ambulances met all required standards and specifications.

He highlighted that the Cabinet and Parliament conducted thorough evaluations, including cost assessments and technical reviews, before granting their final approval.

According to Mr Jakpa, this rigorous process was aimed at guaranteeing the best value for public funds and the highest quality of service delivery in the health sector.

The prosecution of this case was initiated by AG, which raised concerns about potential irregularities in the procurement process and alleged financial loss to the state.

The AG states that there were discrepancies in the pricing and quality of the ambulances, suggesting that due diligence might have been compromised.

In court, Mr Jakpa presented detailed documentation to support his claims, including minutes of meetings, evaluation reports, and correspondence between relevant government bodies.

He argued that the evidence clearly demonstrated the government's commitment to transparency and accountability in the procurement of ambulances.

Mr Jakpa further assured the court that the entire process was aligned with national procurement laws and international best practices.